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We are proud to create a platform where new and upcoming choreographers will have the opportunity to showcase their work at our festival in 2 different categories:


Novelty & Professional Levels for:




The winner of BEST CHOREOGRAPHER at the PROFESSIONAL LEVEL will receive the opportunity to teach and choreograph a piece on tour with Artistic Dance Exchange Dreamer's Company and to guest teach and choreograph in one of the thematic workshops for The DanceFest the following year!


will receive the opportunity to teach and choreograph a piece on tour with Artistic Dance Exchange Dreamer's Company.




The winner of BEST CHOREOGRAPHY at the PROFESSIONAL LEVEL will win a  residency at our NEXT summer's DANCEFEST!

As our resident Dancefest choreographer, you will have the opportunity to create a 30 min full-length presentation of your work. Our producers & sponsors will provide the time, staging, lighting, production & box office staff, and, assist you with costumes. This will include several ticketed performances in front of a live audience including a red-carpet event & Industry Night. 


The winner of BEST CHOREOGRAPHY at the NOVELTY LEVEL will ALSO win a residency at our NEXT summer's DANCEFEST!

Your piece will also be sponsored and produced with the length of the piece at a maximum of 20 minutes. 




Please fill out the application form below, upload your video (no longer than 2 minutes preview), and pay the $15 submission fee.


Each choreographer or group could submit up to 4 different pieces. We encourage you to submit group pieces or duets and avoid solo work being considered.


The video submission deadline has been extended to April 1st, 2023 by popular demand!


All the selected pieces will receive an email notification every week until the June 1st deadline, with all details needed to register.


All the selected pieces are invited to perform live at The DanceFest Las VEGAS this summer from July 28-Aug 1st 2023.


All the dance pieces attending the festival would need to start their registration as soon as they receive the e.mail notification.


The max length of each piece can't be longer than 5 minutes.


Here below are all the different rates for the selected pieces.


The late Rate will apply on June 15th.

-All the selected final routines will get to perform and compete against each other for each of the awards.


-Top Finalist pieces will be announced on July 30 to perform and compete one last time at the Closing Gala on Aug 1st.



The winners for the residency will be announced at our Closing Gala on Aug 1st, 2023.


NOTE FOR EACH SUBMISSION: Please Insert at least one valid link to the piece you are submitting or your choreography reel if you are only applying for the best choreographer.


The piece submitted does not need to be a completed work, as soon as it showcases the best of you as an artist!


At least 1 required link per submission.

The DanceFest Choreographer’s  Festival
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